
As an alternative media company struggling to find our place in the wild west of the internet, we want to thank OMI for your incredible work. When we first began the attunement process with you, we had hoped to see a rise in our company’s income over time. But, as the following graph shows, your work created an instantaneous response after our initial session on July 23rd 2008 and again in October.
While our business, as well as most others, is still responsive to the times, we have enjoyed a steady increase in our subscription rate. We feel that this is in no small way attributable to the work we’ve done together. Thank you for pioneering a new way for the world to perceive their business and it’s degree of integrity on all levels
~ Regina and Scott Meredith, Conscious Media Network
For years my practice had been effortless and successful but then I had hit a wall – hard – and couldn’t figure out a way around it. Finances were declining, patients were disappearing and I was frustrated and unhappy. The work I had felt “called” to do was a source of constant struggle and anxiety. No matter what I did in terms of coaching or marketing or changing the “systems” in my office, I was in a downturn. In fact, it seemed like the harder I tried, the worse it got. In spite of doing everything “right,” my practice was moving in the wrong direction!
I began working with OMI about 6 months ago and felt a shift immediately. I immediately felt more hopeful and motivated. My staff’s morale improved and work was more fun. Better than that, I consistently witnessed a measurable improvement in all areas over the next few months. Practice became easy again, even joyful. I felt a renewed sense of excitement about my work. Financially, I have made more this year than in the 3 previous years-to-date. My gross income has increased 18% over last year and my net a whopping 65%! All that in a time of this supposed “economic downturn”!
My experiences with my first 3 sessions with OMI were so positive that I have chosen to continue working with them on an on-going basis. Thanks to OMI, I am back on my feet financially, happy in practice and looking forward to a great future doing the work I love!
~ Dr. A. Power, Lifeworks Chiropractic Clinic, Falmouth, Maine

Thom, great! I will listen to your new CMN Scalar interview just released …. In the meantime
…I thought YOU would like to know…In June we had a record month (gross income)…and in July
…we BEAT THAT RECORD – best ever sales! Thanks so much for your gifts and your support! Looking forward to our next session!
FYI – I didn’t hit all my goals by year end 2009 – but I am more than satisfied with the year’s outcome. We ended up 25% above last year’s gross. I can say objectively that life is better now than it was a year ago (on all fronts). Thank you for your excellent work!
~ Anonymous

Thank you Dr. Rogers and Optimal Modification for the amazing work you do! I did my first set of sessions with you in the winter of 2009. I had done a complimentary session with your company in 2008 but I was hesitant to go ahead with the recommended sessions because of the cost.
Then things got desperate. I had no money in the bank and my bills were stacking up. I took a leap of fate and decided to go ahead with 3 sessions. I started noticing things getting easier for me. My salesmanship has increased and it seems like burdens to the business in terms of self defeating attitudes diminished.
The ideas I have been getting and implementing for my marketing campaigns have been ingenious and the most amazing part is I don’t have to work hard to implement them… things just flow!
I started marketing my product through newsletters and e-mail promotions and the clients started showing up from nowhere. I made about close to $10,000 in March 2010, where before I was lucky to break through $2000 for the month. Now I am well on my way to catching up with my bills and paying myself. I am booked 3 weeks ahead and this is the first time since the inception of my company that this has happened. This is one of the many benefits I have realized from the work you did for me and my company. Like I said earlier today, I’ve been so busy; I have you to blame for how long it took me to write this testimonial for you :)! Thank you immensely and may you and those you work with be blessed for the wonderful work you do.
~ Dami Egbeyemi, Mind Body Harmonics, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada
Those are awesome testimonials! I am a believer in your work and what OMI does and I have taken it upon myself to spread the word. I am glad most of the people I referred to you have decided to step forward and take advantage of your work. I have had a lot of tremendous shifts happening for my business. We have had a consistent stream of clients over the last few months, and I have a knowing that clients will come.
~ Anonymous
I began receiving the services of Optimal Modification (OMI) last winter for my business. I work with and assist individuals to improve their neurological brain patterns to be more in line with an optimal functioning human being. OMI’s alignment process started things shifting right away. Although my sales did not go up immediately, I saw many positive changes. I agreed to more sessions for my business after completing the initiating triad.
At a critical juncture for my business, August 20, we had our 4th OMI session and the results ever since have been amazing! Our session was on a Friday and business started coming in the very next day. Within 1 week I had 6 new clients and soon after another 4 clients booked with another 3 additional coming in next week as well. WOW! Each client represents a significant income for my business due to the number of sessions in each package. Now, 4 weeks later, I am 3 clients away from exceeding my total business sales from January thru August.
I highly recommend Dr. Thom and OMI to anyone who is choosing to move to their next level in business. I find that few people are really aware of just how beneficial energetic attunements can be for any type business, and I am here to say that they are.
~ Jackie Gates, New Life Brain Center, Arlington, Texas
We are all aware of the economic hardships Americans have endured over the last few years. During these times the service industry has been effected as much or more than other industries.
For the past 3 years I have used the services of OMI and have felt relatively little loss of revenue. I believe that without the help of Thom and OMI, my business would have suffered as much as any other. As a matter of fact, I have come closer to reaching my financial and business goals despite the economic hardships the country has experienced.
My office has also benefited from the services of OMI in other ways. My office has never felt as tension free and everyone works as a cohesive unit to reach common goals. This has really assisted in our productivity of making things happen for our business’s well being.
~ Dr. Lisa Rhodes, Integrative Health Care of Pennsylvania

We just completed watching your CMN interview. (See the video interview) The presentation you gave was pure and genuine. I was moved and taken to a new understanding and awareness with OMI’s work…..the Soul of a Business seeking its truth and true expression to fulfill Itself through expression of natural law and touching others on a foundational level.
The first attunement felt like our company was put in a funnel and was energetically aligned. We started moving as a Unit…a complete field. Growth, expansion, joy was a simple and daily expression for us.
It was really interesting when we utilized the OMI application of scalar wave technology to reinforce intention of your last session with us.
We noticed all our employees just knowing when it was being played and liked the feeling. They appeared more happy and tuned in.
The second attunement so far has been more of a purging, a cleansing of illusion, pre-conceived notions that are being lifted to the forefront and given an opportunity to dissolve. It is more like riding a bike uphill, yet knowing that progress is being made….while the product of the business is still strong as if it had a life of its own.
~ Becky Silverstein DC and Larry Silverstein DC, Northern LIghts Chiropractic, New York State
I want to thank you so much for the service you have provided through OMI to date. It has enhanced our service to so many. It is so subtle, if I did not sit and contemplate its magnitude I could have missed it. And am sure I am only seeing a smaller picture.
I am still upward whirling from our session. Becky and I always take flight after each one, as does our business!
~ Anonymous
I am redeveloping a large hotel that has been in my family for 50 years. This redevelopment is happening in a very harsh political and economic climate.
Dr. Thom’s attunement sessions using OMI’s system and processes has greatly enhanced our redevelopment process. OMI’s initial fact finding sheet allowed me the clarity to set down primary players, short term and long term goals and my mission statement and to see the degree that these could be aligned with optimal potential. That part, in itself, was valuable to our project.
Dr. Thom, as Facilitator, brings second sight, a higher knowing, and gifted abilities just emerging to the energetics of business success.
The entire project has been enhanced and has moved ahead quickly, easily and effortlessly using the OMI Techniques.
Gratitude and thanksgiving now flow freely as the dream of the Lodge becomes a reality. OMI’s services are invaluable and I highly recommend this company to any business choosing to expand their potential and enhance outcome and results. It works!
~ Susan Paas Woolery, Limelight Lodge, Aspen, CO
Thank you for the complimentary goal analysis on Feb. 12th whereby you cleared 3 obstacles hindering my reaching the goal.
I waited before answering you to see if any shifts had occured, that I could report to you, and I believe they have: I feel much more comfortable with money, and I feel more emotionally calm and secure in the knowledge that I will reach my goal of the business reaching $3M-$5M this year.
Already, business has increased, and I and one of my partners are busier than ever. When I achieve some of this money, I’d like to take more of your attunement services. Until then, I wish you great health and prosperity.
~ Dennis Shipman, Los Angeles, CA
Thank you OMI for the wonderful service you provide. Since receiving your attunements, we have had a $20,000 increase in collections in the first 7 months of 2008. We have also noticed many other benefits since starting OMI, the results are AMAZING!
~ Dr. Andre Camelli & Staff, Cortland, OH
The office is full of energy. We’re having huge improvements with some chronic patients. It’s just unreal! Doctor S is pumped! I can honestly say I have NEVER seen him like this in the office! Thanks so much to you.
~ C. S., Chiropractic Office Manager, Pratt, Kansas

We are sisters and business partners who have recently opened weight loss centers in Florida, Georgia, and Colorado. OMI began working on four of our centers by testing the external and internal energies, as well as aligning us with our employees, business partners, values, mission, and goals. Within six months, three of four of our centers experienced their highest revenues as well as attaining and maintaining more harmony and flow. While we know that there are many factors in these results, OMI has definitely made a direct impact on our staff and overall business results.
~ Dana and Dawn Fiser, MRC Weight Loss
“NMT: The Feinberg Technique is a highly structured and powerful scientific technology by which consciousness is used to make immediate and profound changes to the way physical reality unfolds and manifests itself. The NMT system is applied in the arena of health care by hundreds of trained health care practitioners around the world. Dr. Thom Rogers has studied with me and has demonstrated a wonderful mastery of our methods. He has developed a system called OMI, for transformations within the business world. I am so very excited by the unlimited potential for OMI’s application in business and commercial spheres. Dr. Rogers is able to identify and correct self-limiting inefficiencies and errors that are so costly to every type of business and which, until now, were so very difficult to define and resolve. I use OMI services to optimize my success in the world of health care education and recommend OMI as a new and unique approach to making businesses run smarter, not harder.”
~ Leslie Feinberg, D.C., originator of NMT
As Senior Conservator of Brooklyn Stained Glass Conservation Center, a non-profit corporation, I am fascinated with your company and quite surprised at how profoundly our center has been affected by your method. We seem to be more at ease with our surroundings, and have an easier time dealing with issues that we have struggled with in the past. I look forward to future OMI fine-tuning to continue development and growth of our organization.
~ David Fraser, Senior Conservator, Brooklyn Stained Glass
OMI was able to help me fine tune my career and personal goals to a level that has brought my business from a paycheck to paycheck formula, to one of uncompromising financial strength.
OMI has the gift of utilizing energetic principles to help manifest business success and I believe that their work with me has been a major force in the stability my company now realizes.
~ Holly D. Harper, Owner/Artist Persnickety Painting LLC
I have been a consultant for Optimal Modification Incorporated (OMI) since December 2005. You can learn much from observing how a company treats it’s employees and vendors.
OMI exhibits high creativity, originality, intelligence, and attention to detail and follow through. They embrace learning and positive change. Most salient is their passion toward their mission: dramatically enhancing the profitability, productivity, and well being of the companies they work with. They see each employee of such companies as a person of value whose lives they want to enhance.
Thier integrity, reliability, skill, and enthusiasm are exemplary. I give OMI my strongest recommendation.
~ Joseph Gallenberger, Ph.D., Rainbow Ventures

I want to share my experience with OMI as a testimony of the turning point that it represented in my life after this wonderful experience. This was possible with the help of OMI and Thom who shared with me the marvelous new project they are doing to help companies to improve their situation and particularly that improved my job situation.
The number of patients I’m attending now has improved greatly, some days I even have a waiting list and although not always my agenda is full, I always have lots of patients. They are really happy with NMT and are constantly recommending me with other people. The progress achieved by my patients has been remarkable and I feel that my sensitivity to attend them has improved and has also been more accurate.
As I mentioned on the symposium, one of my goals was to take my daughters on vacations and I am very lucky and happy to share with you that I’ll take them on a 12 day cruise that starts in Acapulco, Mexico, crosses the Panama Canal and finishes in Puerto Rico…This incredible trip is the result of very hard work and it is also the first vacation that I can afford for them…Thanks Thom!!! And for those who have work problems, don’t hesitate to contact OMI since it’s the best investment you can do in your life’s work!!!
~ Lorena Rosas, R.D. (Nutritionist), Naucalpan, Edo. Mexico
After a meeting with Dr. Thom, aligning our energies to our current business goals, we have doubled our sales from last month. We’ve also found and hired new sales associates and a new assistant. Our business is booming!! With OMI this all happened easily and quickly!
~ Jennifer Ratliff, Independent Business Consultant, Avant-Garde Marketing Solutions
The world needs OMI right now ….to grow and expand and reach millions ….so rock and roll.
~ Bob Offer, Native American, Sundancer
Working with Thom Rogers and OMI is like having a magician on your team; of the stature of Merlin.
Thom’s process and probing questions in themselves generate great clarity and focus. His subtle and sophisticated attunements create a palpable shift inside and out, fostering movement towards realizing your desired outcomes and the highest potential of your organization.
~ Jeff Klein, Executive Director & Chief Activation Officer, FLOW

The insight and comprehensive attunement offered our organization by OMI has stimulated an internal shift, felt initially as a grounding, easy, and gentle undercurrent. In three weeks we’ve also seen an impressive change in staff, office location and the general well being of employees and volunteers. As a non-profit working in Africa, we are continually cultivating our outlook to remain ever-intently positive in the face of extreme hardships. OMI has given us a subtle and great tool to change attitudes from aspiration to achievement particularly affecting those difficult circumstances. The doctors bring a unique background of healing focus and wellness that empowers their work. We are happy!
~ Jaiaen Beck, Executive Director and founder of Ancient Ways
OMI has lent its strength and focus to our project in Cuba. Although this is a complex assignment and there have been difficulties, OMI has kept to the commitment and continues to be supportive and helpful. OMI has not given up when the going got rough! This is a tough challenge, but the rewards will be astounding. Cuba currently sends doctors far and wide into countries of great need in the Caribbean and Latin America. Imagine the healing that could take place when these doctors are trained in NMT. This vision of health and well being defies description! I believe that with the clearing of blockages and resistances facilitated by OMI, new avenues are beginning to open and our return to Cuba seems imminent.
~ Deborah A. Frenette, C.Ht., NeuroModulation Retreat and Clinic, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada
Since I started the process with OMI, my confidence in my business and business abilities has noticeably increased. I feel more in sync with finances. Good things just seem to happen.
~ James P. Stupak, D.C, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Thom Rogers’ work is really interesting. It is in alignment with the 25 years I have worked with growing companies.
Thom is recognizing what is fundamental with all business – that there is a core intelligence that operates inside a business and that it’s made up of all the people in the business.
And when you start to recognize that, you start to take advantage of the real, pure assets of a business. Most companies don’t do that. Thom’s unique services are very powerful because they begin to get you to think about that core intelligence and start to acknowledge the reality of it.
One of the things that Thom’s work brings to light is the Quantum Field that all living things exist in, and when you are acknowledging that Quantum Field in a business, it’s very powerful. A lot of businesses are one-dimensional or two-dimensional, and what Thom is getting you to do is to say, “Hey, look, there’s a whole lot going on here than meets the eye,” and when you take into consideration how Thom is working in this field, (particularly all the research that’s come out of the world of quantum physics that’s come out over the last 30 years, and how it impacts all of us)… it’s powerful.
~ James Fischer, Founder and President of Growth Curve Institute
Thom Rogers has a very interesting system: He has the ability to tap into the spirit of a business—it’s a living entity–and to be able to calibrate what’s going on with that business and what’s possible for that business. It’s sort of in the arena of energy work. And I think that’s really appropriate, because what are businesses? They’re made up of people, and people are these energetic beings. And he has this way of being able to tap into the truth of what is going on for this business and what this business can do. And it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. And we just got our report and it had so much information, and it’s very compelling. And I think this is the way of understanding our businesses in the future. And it’s a tremendous shift in how we understand a complex business model, as being something that is fairly mechanical, to something that is thriving and living and has a pulse, and how you can tap into that.
~ Lura Fischer, Life Coach and Consultant
When I first went to Thom Rogers and OMI I was a little skeptical, but I had heard good things and I really needed help. I had lost some key customers, the economy was tanking, and this seemed like something that could work. Thom spent a lot of time with me, asked a lot of in-depth questions like: where my company was, where I wanted to go, who my competitors were. And then he did an alignment with the quantum field. He knows energy. He knows how to align myself, my company, and, even more, how to align with my customer base. The results came fairly quickly. Within several weeks I gained several new clients, got back other clients, and my business is about 30% up from what it was even 3 or 4 months ago. And I couldn’t say enough good things about Thom and OMI right now. It really changed my life and the prospects for the future.
~ Mark McGinnis, Founder and President of Avenstar Productions

“What a wild last few days. We went to the ISSSEEM Conference here near Denver hoping that we would be able to interview one or even a few of the headliners for our movie. Well the stars must have be aligned just right because we got them all…. Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief), Amit Goswami (What The Bleep), Peter Kater (triple platinum 6-time Grammy nominee musician), and others. There is a buzz about our upcoming movie ‘Openings‘ now and everyone wanted to be interviewed and support the film project. The “field” is real – scalar waves are real – and what you are doing is amazing work!”
~ Anonymous
As a co-producer on my first feature film, I was feeling really overwhelmed. We had just lost our partner and he had taken half of the picture with him. So we were left with half a film to make, lack of funds to make that film, and we needed a screenwriter… we basically needed help.
So I went to Thom. I had heard a lot about him; some of my colleagues had been to him and had a lot of success.
So the first thing Thom had me do was fill out this questionnaire–a very extensive questionnaire asking questions about our company-questions that were so deep, I realized I should have answered these questions before I even started the process of making this film.
So after I finished the questionnaire, Thom took that truth and aligned it to what is known as the “Quantum Field”, the field of infinite possibilities. And, I swear, in a matter of weeks, things started to happen: we found an actor who had the talent and presence we needed for the very important role of the narrator, we found a partner who has this incredible enthusiasm, who created a momentum that was just helping to get things done that needed to get things done, high-profile people started coming into the picture, and it just created this flow.
Everything just started to fall into place. And so, I just want to thank Thom Rogers, because I know these things wouldn’t have happened without him.
~ Kim McGinnis, Producer of the feature film, Openings
It’s so cool Thom that a few days after our last session with you our phone has been ringing more than it ever has with potential clients.

I have been worried about my rankings dropping in Google since March 24, 2011 around 2:00 pm EST, with their new algorithm change my site was affected on that day around that time. Rankings dropping for me meant high percentage decrease of my total income. About one month had gone by and still no change.
I checked my rankings on a Thursday later in April and a spot check on a few keywords on Friday, they were unchanged. The pits. I had my 1st OMI session on Friday at 2 EST and even with the phone getting cut off we made it work. I didn’t check my rankings on Saturday as I normally would have, slept late, had to go pick up my Scaler antenna, run errands and frankly, just didn’t bother as the affiliate income was the same below normal.
On Sunday morning I did a complete rankings check. And to my surprise my rankings are about where they were prior to March 24, 2011……so this is GREAT from my standpoint. Overall I’m back!I was shy to accept this and had to see it in Google vs. my rank checking tool and waited for a few hours and they were just where the tool said they were!!! I will say on Saturday one day after our OMI session, every negative thought that peeped it’s head, got immediately beat down as my mood was overall positive. A lot more than the last few days. And I will say normally I would dwell on the negative thought. I didn’t give it a chance to rest before my positive thoughts sent it packing. To me that is a shift in my normal pattern.
Thank you OMI for helping me to have the opportunity to recapture the income levels I once used to receive and enjoy.
~ Desiree Smith, hCG Diet Journey