Tapping Into Your Company’s Optimal Potential

Dr. Thom Rogers
Is Lead Facilitator, Director of Research and Development, and President of Optimal Modification Incorporated, a unique Austin-based company whose purpose is to fully align companies and organizations with their optimal potentials for prosperity, abundance, and success. Dr. Rogers co-founded OMI as a means for energetically guiding businesses to achieve greater results with the application of powerful scientific technology.
Born and raised in Ohio, Dr. Rogers graduated in economics from DePauw University in 1970. He then began a career as a systems analyst, sales representative, and communications specialist with a focus on the banking, manufacturing, and insurance industries.
In 1985, Dr. Rogers graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in Houston. He has practiced throughout the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. After 25 years of advanced training in over 50 energetic methods, he began applying his awareness and synthesis of knowledge to his own business with extraordinary results, leading to the conception of OMI.
Dr. Rogers has successfully translated his vast experience in advanced healing techniques to the business world through the vehicle of OMI. Through OMI’s clients, he continues to witness the increasing value of OMI’s unique, cutting-edge services in the modern world of conscious business.

Gretchen Meinhardt
Has been assisting OMI Facilitators as Client Company Liaison since 2012.
Gretchen graduated in economics and Latin American studies from the University of Texas in 1993. She has worked with several companies in Mexico and Central America and has traveled extensively through these areas as well. She is also proficient in the Spanish language.
Gretchen has managed several small businesses and, immediately before joining the OMI team, she owned and operated a wholesale/retail tea business for ten years.
This combination of knowledge and experience gives her the business acumen to skillfully aid you and your company in achieving the most benefit from your OMI attunement sessions.